中華民國玄宇太極功協會 The Xuan Yu Taiji Gong Association,R.O.C .

玄宇太極功剛柔並濟,透過神佛之教導接引宇宙真氣隨粘而化,教導大眾培養身心靈內炁,不單就強化身、骨、皮,更能 促進靈魂生命進化!玄宇太極功是以天地人三才匯聚,調整肉體質能,並引導靈性修往成神成佛之路的功法。透過修習生命靈魂真炁及內勁,接引天地正氣,進入與神同行的領域。每週有固定時間在中正紀念堂的戶外廣場進行免費教導。

The Xuan Yu Taiji Gong Association,R.O.C .

Coupled with strength and gentleness, Xuan Yu Taiji Gong is a kind of martial art which is bestowed by Buddhas.
Through the teachings of Buddhas, one can practice Xuan Yu Taiji Gong and receive the real chi energy of the universe and then cultivate the inner chi energy for one's body,mind,and spirit.
The merits of this martial art will not only regulate the chi energy of one's flesh but also make it possible for one's soul to evolve and to be guided toward Buddhahood.
Free teaching for Xuan Yu Taiji Gong at the outdoor square of the CKS Memorial Hall is available weekly at fixed times.