宇宙彌勒皇教基金會 Foundation of Maitreya Cosmology



生命是豐富而具多元性,在天災地變的末法時期,人們對神明的認知,早已脫離神對生命的初心,即「帶領眾生成神成佛」的教化。【宇宙彌勒皇教】由天、地、人認證,教導五眼八神通二十年,透過潛能開發,讓靈魂之眼覺醒,明白神的存在。 過程中,【宇宙彌勒皇教基金會】多元化發展,陀彌天紫竹林寺、觀音山玉佛寺相繼建立,眾弟子陸續來會,促進中華民國法雨普濟協會、彌勒世界藝術博覽協會、中華塔羅牌星相協會、中華民國玄宇太極功協會的發展。彌勒智庫更是鼓勵眾生認識自己靈魂的好幫手。因為眾生必須明白所有生命皆有成神成佛的權利,而「人類」--就是成神成佛的基礎!

Foundation of Maitreya Cosmology

Maitreya Cosmology teaches Celestial Wisdom for 20 years, helping people to arouse their potentiality and get to know their won souls and the existence of the God. During the period, Foundation of Maitreya Cosmology dedicates to the diversified development. TO MI TIEN – Zi Zhu Lin Temple and Taichung Guanyi Mountain Yufo Temple were established one by one, which enhance the development of Omnibenevolent Dharma Association、Maitreya World Art Expo Association、Tarot Astrology Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan)、The Xuan Yu Taiji Gong Association,R.O.C . Maitreya Cosmology published many classics and books to provide people an easy way knowing their own souls. People have to understand that all the lives have the right to transform into a god or Buddha, and human beings are the base of the transforming.